Thursday, October 7, 2010


I do not know if I have professed my love for thrift stores and garage sales yet, but just in case I haven't, I LOVE LOVE LOVE them! Look at this magnificent find I found at my favorite little thrift shop today. It is a quaint, little, old woman thrift store run by no one under 65. It is called the Discovery Shop in Chico and I found this there for only $25 today!! (I almost feel like I am giving away my secret shop, but oh well :/ I know they can always use the business).

PS check out my new blog! It's my new project.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Bear with me...

I know the photos are bad, they are off my IPhone, but until I can get my professional photographer whom I live with to photograph me, this is what I can do. Enjoy!